BCM Risk Management
Modern risk management must be based on international standards. Therefore, our process model is strictly aligned with ISO 31000
Today's threats are many and varied. Therefore, we pursue an all-hazard approach - this is the only way to achieve a comprehensive threat picture
The decisive factor in the impact assessment of risks is the focus on the protection goals of the organization. Therefore, these are always at the center of our methodology
„Das von BC Consulting bei der SEO implementierte Vorgehensmodell ist sehr strukturiert, entspricht der ISO 31000 und wird daher strategisch weiterverfolgt. Das Ziel ist mit der Software bcRISK auch das Projektrisikomanagement und die Risiken der Gesellschaften Windparks in das Gruppenrisikomanagement zu übernehmen. Die optimierten Matrizen, Diagramme und Reports stellen eine ideale Basis für die Risikosteuerung dar.”
Paul Zeimet, Société Électrique de l’Our (SEO)
All companies, regardless of whether they are assigned to critical infrastructures or not, are exposed to multiple threats and thus risks in different ways. Responsible and legally compliant handling requires to recognize these risks and to incorporate them into the process and rule management cycle.
Regulatory requirements and programs as well as national and international standards and laws set the framework for the design of the risk management system. Risk decisions are always management decisions and need systematic, structured and comprehensible decision bases.
The BC Consulting risk management software offers a scenario-oriented risk management system embedded in the BCM system throughout the company. It further supports management in their daily operational handling of risks and measures in a secure and legally compliant manner.